Are you trying to eat more healthy food? Fruits and vegetables pretty much top the list for health benefits, when paired with other healthy food groups. There are many ways to sneak more fruits and vegetables into your diet. Here are some suggestions for how to eat more fruits and vegetables:
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Add more fruits and Vegetables to your favorite recipes
Problem: Your favorite recipes don’t have many fruits and vegetables.
Solution: Take your favorite recipe and add more vegetables or fruit. Start with a small amount, like 3 carrots instead of 2. I do this all the time. For example, try comparing my Italian Mac & cheese with Rachel Ray’s. Mine has more vegetables, and it is better! I dare you to add an extra half cup of shredded carrots to my morning glory muffins! You will get another muffin and they will have more vegetables! I know this because I have tried it. Try adding a 1/2 cup of blueberries to your favorite banana bread or lemon bread. Be brave! It’s fun!
Make fruits and vegetables more convenient
Problem: If you need a quick snack, it’s much easier to grab a cheese stick or a handful of pretzels than to chop up some vegetables or peel an orange.
Solution: Prepare a container of sliced vegetables. Keep it in the refrigerator, along with your favorite dip or hummus. This way you can easily pull out the tray to have a quick and easy snack. Slice up the vegetables on the weekend, when you have more time. Many vegetables will last a whole week this way, if stored in the right container. The same strategy works well for fruit. Simply having the fruit peeled, sliced, and ready to eat will make it easier to consume when you are in a hurry.
Note: I recommend storing cucumber slices separate from other vegetables, since they will not last as long. Slice fresh cucumber slices every 2-3 days.

Keep fruits and vegetables where you can see them
Problem: If you keep all of your fruits and vegetables in the crisper drawer in your refrigerator, they can get lost and forgotten. Out of sight, out of mind.
Solution: Many fruits and vegetables can be stored on the counter for a few days. It’s best to store fruits and vegetables in a wide, flat fruit bowl with holes for better air circulation. This type of design will help your fruit last longer. Although, the goal would be to eat it quickly so you don’t have to worry about self life. If you buy a bag of oranges or apples, put 2 in the fruit bowl and store the rest in the refrigerator. Keep refilling the fruit bowl throughout the week. Some fruits and vegetables should be stored outside of the refrigerator. Bananas and tomatoes prefer the counter. Keep them where you can see them. Also, be sure to haul out that fruit or vegetable tray during premium after school or after work snack time!

Make salad prep easier
Problem: Salads are delicious, but they are time consuming to make. It’s easier to buy lunch than pack lunch.
Solution: Lettuce is the most difficult part of the salad. Some types of lettuce do not last as long as other varieties. Iceberg lettuce will not last long once washed. Meanwhile, washed romaine can last a week if washed, patted dry and placed in a gallon Ziplock bag with a paper towel. If you prefer Iceberg lettuce because of the crunch, add some chopped cabbage to your romaine.
Alternatively, you can purchase baby spinach, mixed greens, or other lettuce that is ready to eat.
Use the washed lettuce and the already sliced vegetables from your tray to make a quick and easy salad anytime.

Try to eat a new fruit or vegetable
Problem: You need to eat more fruits and vegetables, but you really don’t like very many.
Solution: Try a new fruit or vegetable, maybe you will like it.

Try it, you’ll like it was a silly song on Yo, Gabba, Gabba. My kids used to watch it when they were younger. I would sing it when I wanted them to try a new food. As a parent you may feel like this strategy does not work. Don’t give up! It will work eventually! It took about 17 years for my son to eat asparagus. We always encouraged it, but never forced it. One day he ordered it at a restaurant. I was thrilled!
This method works for adults too. I used to dislike mushrooms and olives, but i kept trying them, now I like them. Try it, You’ll like it!

Try different cooking methods
For example, if you don’t like boiled or steamed brussels sprouts, you might like them roasted. They taste totally different.
Some cooking methods can increase the nutritional value of certain vegetables, others can decrease the nutritional value. When you are mainly concerned with increasing your overall consumption, it’s best to focus more on which method will encourage you to eat more, rather than concerning yourself with which way is best. Any way you choose to eat more vegetables is healthier than not eating them. Bottom line, feel free to experiment with many cooking methods with many vegetables. Find what you like!
Boiled Vegetables
This is the most common, yet least desirable way to cook vegetables. They end up soggy and not very appetizing. If this is the only method you use, try one of the other suggestions. If it’s your preferred method, use it!
Steamed Vegetables
Steaming vegetables gives a little better flavor, texture and color than boiling. All you need is a steamer insert and a pot with a lid. Just add some water to the bottom of the pot, place the insert inside and put you vegetable of choice on top, cover and steam the vegetables to desired firmness.
Roasted Vegetables
Many vegetables are very tasty roasted. Brussels Sprouts are my favorite! Sweet potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots are awesome roasted! Just place them on a sheet pan, coat with olive oil, season as desired and roast in the oven at 400 degrees F for 25-30 minutes.

Grilled Vegetables
Choose a tasty marinade, then place your vegetable of choice on kabobs, in a grilling basket, or wrap in aluminum foil and grill to desired firmness.

Smoked Vegetables
Vegetables can be smoked! Smoke low and slow to maintain some crispness with a nice smoky favor.

Vegetable Stir Fry
This is a great way to cook vegetables. Traditionally stir fry is done on a large grill or in a wok. Start with some stir fry oil , add the carrots and cauliflower first, fry for a couple minutes. Then add broccoli and snow peas, add more oil and some soy sauce to coat. Fry for a couple more minutes. Add bell peppers, onions and a few drops of sesame oil. Continue to fry for a couple more minutes. Add minced garlic, canned bamboo shoots, canned water chestnuts, and sesame seeds. Continue to fry until all vegetables are warm and slightly softened.

Pressure cooked vegetables
Many vegetables can be pressure cooked faster than roasted. One of my favorites is pressure cooked beets. I use a Ninja Foodi. Just place the washed beets in the Ninja Foodi, add 1 cup of water. Close and pressure cook on high for 15-20 minutes with quick release. Peel and slice the beets!

Go meatless one day per week to eat more vegetables
Meatless Monday is gaining popularity. Some Catholics go meatless on Fridays. Whatever your reason, if it helps increase your consumption of healthy fruits and vegetables it’s worth a try. Here are a couple of great meatless recipes:

Puree your fruits and vegetables
Problem: You don’t like the texture of fruits or vegetables.
Solution: Puree them! Make a smoothie or a pureed soup! Soups and smoothies are a great way to eat more fruits and vegetables. Check out this post for more great smoothie ideas:

Try a cream soup:
Try a New way of preserving your fruits and vegetables
There are many different ways to preserve fruits and vegetables. Each will give your produce a new flavor and texture. These methods are worth a try to give you some more variety.
Canned fruits and vegetables
Canning is quite a project, but it is worth a try. If you are interested in canning, I recommend the this book. Canned fruits and vegetables have a different flavor and texture than fresh or frozen. Some people prefer it, if you like canned fruits and vegetables better, then canning it is a good way to eat more of them.
Fermented vegetables
Try it, You’ll like it! Fermented cabbage is sauerkraut. It is a very healthy way to enjoy cabbage. Here is a recipe for homemade Sauerkraut.

Pickle your vegetables
Pickling isn’t just for cucumbers, aka pickles. You can pickle many vegetables: beets, peas, beans, asparagus, and more. Give it a try.
Fill half your plate with vegetables
Problem: You need to eat more vegetables.
Solution: Put more on your plate! It really is that simple.

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