
Low Carb Mashed Potato Squash Recipe

Mashed potato squash is a low carb alternative to regular mashed potatoes. Perfect for diabetics and others trying to reduce carbohydrates. This white squash tastes very similar to potatoes, making it a perfect substitute. It can be served with many of the same toppings you would put on mashed potatoes. Top with sour cream, gravy, or load it with cheese and broccoli or bacon.

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Where can you find mashed potato squash?

Honestly, your best bet is a Fall farmers market. Look for a white squash about the same size and shape as an acorn squash. You probably will not find this one at your local supermarket, but maybe a small farm store or roadside produce stand. If you are not able to find one, you can always grow your own. Find the seeds here.

What tools do you need?


  • 1 mashed potato squash
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • 1 tablespoon butter

How to make Mashed Potato Squash

Roasting the squash

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

Slice the squash in half, scoop out the seeds with a spoon.

Coat the cut edge with olive oil, and sprinkle it with salt and pepper.

Line a sheet pan with parchment paper. Place the squash cut side down on the pan.

roast cut side down

Bake the squash for 40-45 minutes or until softened.

roasted mashed potato squash

Mashing the squash

Once the squash has cooled enough to handle, use a spoon to scoop out the soft creamy center. Discard the skin.

Add the butter and use a potato masher or hand mixer to mash the squash.

Add your desired potato toppings or mix-ins.

Mashed potato squash mix-in and topping suggestions

  • Garlic butter or roasted garlic
  • Sauteed onions
  • Cheese and broccoli
  • Cheese and bacon
  • Sour cream and chives
  • Gravy

More Great Squash Recipes:

Printable Recipe

Recipe By Kristin
Course: Side Cusine:American Difficulty:Easy


4 minutes

Preparing Time

5 minutes

Cooking Time

40 minutes




  1. 1 Mashed Potato Squash

  2. 1 Tablespoon Olive oil

  3. 1 Tablespoon butter

  4. Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.<br>Slice the squash in half, scoop out the seeds with a spoon. Coat the cut edge with olive oil, and sprinkle it with salt and pepper.<br>Line a sheet pan with parchment paper. Place the squash cut side down on the pan.<br>Bake the squash for 40-45 minutes or until softened.<br>Once the squash has cooled enough to handle, use a spoon to scoop out the soft creamy center. Discard the skin.<br>Add the butter and use a potato masher or hand mixer to mash the squash.<br>Add your desired potato toppings or mix-ins.<br>


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By Kristin

I am a part-time pediatric pharmacist, full time wife and mother of three teens. I’m also a home chef, gamer, and love to entertain in my home. I know how to relax and enjoy my home life and would love to share my ideas with you.

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