Recipes Sides

Caribbean Rice with Jerk Seasoning Recipe

Are you looking for a vegan or vegetarian recipe, or maybe you just need something for Meatless Monday or a Friday during Lent? Maybe you just want a great unique side for something you grilled! If you are looking for any of these, this Caribbean Rice with Jerk Seasoning is for you!

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Caribbean Rice Ingredients

  • 2 cups cooked white rice (~1 cup of dry rice)
  • 2 Tablespoons Coconut Oil
  • 4 Carrots, diced
  • 1 Red bell pepper, diced
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 13.6 ounce can unsweetened coconut milk
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • 15 ounce can kidney beans, drained and rinsed
  • 15 ounce can corn, drained
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
  • 3 Tablespoons Jerk Seasoning -more if desired
  • 1 lime sliced into wedges (optional)

How to make Caribbean Rice

Start by preparing the white rice according to package directions. Make sure you rinse the rice before cooking. This will remove the outer layer of starch, so the rice will be more fluffy and less sticky. The easiest way to rinse rice is with a fine mesh strainer or sieve.

Rinsing rice through a fine mesh strainer
Rinsing Rice

Next mix the dried coconut with 1/4 cup of the coconut milk and set aside to soften. Hint: Shake the can of coconut milk before opening.

Dried coconut with coconut milk
Dried coconut with coconut milk

Grate the garlic on a plate grater. Set aside.

Garlic grated on a plate grater.
Garlic grated on a plate grater.

Add the coconut oil to a large pot or wok, and begin to sauté the carrots.

Sauté carrots
Sauté carrots

When the carrots are slightly softened, add the peppers and onions. Continue to sauté, mixing often.

Peppers onions and carrots in a pan
Sauté peppers onions and carrots.

Once all the vegetables are softened, mix in the shredded coconut mixture and the grated garlic.

Adding coconut and garlic to sauteed vegetables.
Adding coconut and garlic.

Then add the kidney beans, corn and 1/2 cup of the coconut milk. Mix well.

Add kidney beans, corn, and 1/2 cup of coconut milk.
Add kidney beans, corn, and 1/2 cup of coconut milk.

Once the corn and beans are warm, add the rice and mix well.

Caribbean rice
Add the rice.

Add the cilantro, jerk seasoning and remaining coconut milk. Mix until well combined and heated throughout. Taste and add additional seasoning if desired.

Add cilantro and jerk seasoning to Caribbean rice.
Add cilantro and jerk seasoning, and remaining coconut milk.

Serve with a lime wedge if desired. This dish is a delicious vegetarian meal on its own or makes an excellent side dish to baked or grilled chicken or pork.

Caribbean Rice
Caribbean Rice with Jerk Seasoning

Printable recipe for Caribbean Rice with Jerk Seasoning

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Recipes Sides

How to make Authentic Polish Pierogi

It seems fitting to add a Pierogi recipe to my blog today because it is National Pierogi day. I happen to have an authentic pierogi recipe from my husband’s Polish mother. He was able to get the exact measurements from her back in the 90’s when he had an assignment to complete for school. His assignment was to submit a recipe for an ethnic food. It was a bit of a challenge to get the exact ingredient quantities and directions from his mother. Initially when he asked her how to make Pierogi, she said “make dough, then put in the filling, then boil them.”

He ended up having to spend an afternoon watching her and measuring everything she did in order to obtain this recipe I’m about to share with you.

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Pierogi basic dough Recipe


4 cups of all purpose flour

250 mL of water

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 eggs


Mix flour and salt together and sift. Add the eggs and water and knead until dough is smooth and stretchable.

Sprinkle flour over the table where you will be rolling the dough to prevent sticking. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin until it is approximately 1/8 of an inch thick. Cut out the dough with a 3 inch round cookie cutter. It’s really nice to have a cookie cutter with a handle since you will be making so many cuts.

Put your favorite filling (filling recipe below) in the center of each circle.

Stretch the dough around the filling and pinch together to avoid leaking during boiling. Use the handle of a butter knife or spoon to make a decorative edge. This step takes practice.

How to boil Pierogi

When pierogi are stuffed and pinched together, put 8-10 of the pierogi into boiling water. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking. When pierogi begin to float, boil for another 3-5 minutes. Continue to boil the remaining pierogi.

After boiling the pierogi, transfer them to a sheet pan greased with butter. Brush more melted butter on all sides, so they do not stick together.

Coat boiled pierogi with melted butter to prevent sticking.
Coat boiled pierogi with melted butter to prevent sticking.

Pierogi Potato & Cheese Filling recipe


5 Medium Potatoes

1/4 pound cheddar cheese

1 medium onion finely minced and sauteed

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper


Boil the potatoes until tender, drain and mash. Shred the cheese and add to the hot potatoes so it melts. Add salt pepper and sauteed onions, mash to mix.

Pierogi Sauerkraut Filling recipe


50 ounces of fresh sauerkraut, drained

2 medium onions, finely chopped

1 8-ounce package of mushrooms, minced

2 Tablespoons butter, plus more to prevent sticking

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper

Directions: Drain the sauerkraut through a mesh strainer.

drain the sauerkraut

Sauté the mushrooms and onions in 2 tablespoons of butter salt and pepper.

sauté mushrooms and onions

Add the mushrooms and onions to sauerkraut. Put the mixture through a meat grinder.

Mushroom and Sauerkraut filling in a meat grinder
ground sauerkraut mixture
Sauerkraut pierogi filling

Drain the ground pierogi filling before filling the pierogi. Add 1 heaping teaspoonful to each circle of dough. Stretch and pinch the dough around the filling.

Pierogi ready to pinch closed

Serving Pierogi

Saute Onions and pierogi in a frying pan until lightly browned. Serve with sour cream.

Can You Freeze Pierogi?

Yes you can! After boiling the pierogi, place them on a buttered jelly roll pan to cool. Once they are cool, place the pan of pierogi in the freezer. The next day the frozen pierogi can be transferred into a freezer bag, and placed back in the freezer. Be sure to label the bag with the date and filling flavor!

Printable Pierogi Recipe

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Healthy Recipes Recipes Sides

Best Beet Green Recipe

Why I eat Beet Greens and you should too

I have to credit my father-in-law for this delicious sauteed beet green recipe. He is quite the chef. I’ll probably have plenty more of his tasty recipes to share. This one is a delicious way to use a food many people throw away! Wasting food is terrible, but wasting delicious and nutritious food is even worse. According to Jo Robinson, author of Eating on the Wild Side, beet greens are more nutritious than the beets themselves.

My father-in-law was a child during world war II. Because if this he grew up learning to use all of the food that was provided. Some of his childhood stories make 2020 sound like a picnic. Next time your teens are complaining about wearing masks or giving up football have them read Stolen Childhood. This book is a story similar to what my father-in-law went through and a great explanation for why he has so many tips and tricks for using up left overs and scraps. Through him I learned that beet greens are not scraps!

Where to find Beet Greens

Back to the beets. First you will have to find beets with the greens still attached. Many chain grocery stores will remove them and throw them away! I know it’s really sad. You could grow them your self, find them at a farmers market or a good organic produce store. Don’t get discouraged. If you do manage to find beets with the greens attached, as an added bonus you will know you have found yourself a fresh beet. The beet roots will last a long time on the grocers shelf, but the greens will begin to wilt sooner, which is probably why they tend to remove them. Buy beets with the greens!

Sauteed Beet Greens Recipe

Now for the sauteed beet greens recipe. Start by removing the greens from the beets. Save the beets for later. I’ll share some great beet recipes soon.


Stems and leaves form 3 beets

1 medium onion

2 tablespoons olive oil

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper

2 tablespoons lemon juice

1/4 cup sour cream


Soak the beet greens and thoroughly wash them.

Chop the stems and leaves. Set aside Mince one onion. Sauté onion in a frying pan with the olive oil until softened. Add the chopped stems and leaves and continue to sauté until softened. Add the lemon juice and toss to coat.

Sauteed beet greens with onions and lemon juice

Remove from heat and stir in the sour cream.

Best Beet Green recipe
Prepared beet greens

Serve warm. This dish makes a delicious side for beef or chicken.

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