Saving money on household expenses can help reduce financial stress. Less stress equal more happiness. Find some great tips here to save on some of the largest household expenses, groceries, clothing, entertainment, and medications.
Save money on Groceries
Grocery prices are going up, up, and away! Coupons can help but they are time consuming and often not for healthy food. Check out this link for some tips on how to save money on groceries without using coupons.
Save Money on Clothing
Clothing can be a big expense, especially in families with growing children or families that require dry cleaning for work attire. Check out this link for some helpful strategies to save money on clothing.
Save on school supplies
Some school supplies are a great deal if you shop early, others are best to shop later when they are on end of season clearance. Many items can be reused which teaches kids responsible spending and is better for the Earth.
Save money on Over-the-counter medications
Of course as a pharmacist I had to include some helpful tips for saving money on medications. Most of what I have written about is choosing the correct medication and not getting caught in the marketing scams. Most of the brand name OTC products are just simple generic ingredients with a fancy box and a lot of marketing. Read this post before you get caught up in the marketing.
Low cost entertainment
This is why I write about enjoying your home. If your home is fun and happy, you will not feel the need to constantly be on the run. Every time you leave home for an activity there is most likely a cost, even if it is just gas to get to a park. Taking the family out for dinner has become a huge expense, especially for families with teens! Try making delicious restaurant quality food at home. For example, try family pizza night! If you have a smoker, try my ribs recipe! If your home is fun you can stay in and enjoy it. Find more information about entertaining at home here.
Try these frugal family fun ideas:
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